In my opinion, being an effective leader requires being an effective listener. The most productive leaders are usually those who are consistently willing to listen and learn.
John WoodenWhen you give total effort - everything you have - the score can never make you a loser. And when you do less, it can't somehow magically turn you into a winner.
John WoodenDiscipline of others isn't punishment. You discipline to help, to improve, to correct, to prevent, not to punish, humiliate, or retaliate.
John WoodenA mistake is valuable if you do four things with it: recognize it, admit it, learn from it, forget it
John WoodenThe general feeling is, if you don't treat everyone the same you're showing partiality. To me, that's when you show the most partiality, when you treat everyone the same. You must give each individual the treatment that you feel he earns and deserves, recognizing at all times that you're imperfect and you're going to be incorrect oftentimes in your judgment.
John Wooden