The term 'serious actor' is kind of an oxymoron, isn't it? Like 'Republican party' or 'airplane food.'
Johnny DeppI think Alice [Cooper] probably, on some level, recognized that good old self-destructive streak that does happen in some people's lives. So, though I wasn't there with Alice and the Vampires, but I'd give anything in the world to have been, I had my own version, I suppose, a little later.
Johnny DeppI've thought of doing many things in my life, under the influence of life, and I've never actually thought of straddling two carriages while they're moving.
Johnny DeppBarrie and the wonderful characters he created, Lewis Carroll, even French literature, like Baudelaire or over in the States, Poe, you open those books, you open The Flowers of Evil and begin to read. If it were written today, you'd be absolutely stupefied by the work. It's this incredible period where the work is timeless, ageless. So yeah, I just love all those guys. It's my deep passion in those great 19th century writers.
Johnny Depp