I'm not especially interested in the job of the historian or journalist of trying to figure out what was true and what was not.
Jonathon Keats...there's no reason why scholarship can't be as seriously playful as bubble-blowing.
Jonathon KeatsOn the other hand, the way in which that car fit into this whole very roundabout way of attempting to solve the problem of what - the problem that [Buckminster Fuller] perceived as being the cause of his daughter's death and meningitis. I mean how you get from your daughter dying from meningitis to making a car with three wheels and saying that it's like a bird and a fish. That really is amazing.
Jonathon KeatsI would certainly never want to inflict anything on the world exactly as [Buckminster Fuller] envisioned it because there is a technocratic worldview that I find horrific.
Jonathon Keats