Compromise is a word found only in the vocabulary of those who have no will to fight.
Josemaria EscrivaThe heroic minute.- It is the time fixed for getting up.- Without hesitation: a supernatural reflection and.-.-.- up! The heroic minute: here you have a mortification that strengthens your will and does no harm to your body.
Josemaria EscrivaYou strayed from the way and did not return because you were ashamed. It would be more logical if you were ashamed not to return.
Josemaria EscrivaIs it not true that your gloominess and bad temper are due to your lack of determination in breaking the subtle snares laid by your own disordered desires? The daily examination of conscience is an indispensible help if we are to follow our Lord with sincerity of heart and integrity of life.
Josemaria Escriva