The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense, and life doesn't.
Joseph L. MankiewiczI got a job at Metro and went in to see Louis Mayer, who told me he wanted me to be a producer. I said I wanted to write and direct. He said, "No, you have to produce first, you have to crawl before you can walk." Which is as good a definition of producing as I ever heard.
Joseph L. MankiewiczPlease don't look at me as if you had a source of income other than your salary.
Joseph L. MankiewiczAnd Kate Hepburn-God, she's beautiful, God, she plays golf well, God, she can get anyone in the world on the phone, God, she knows what to do all the time, God, she wears clothes well.
Joseph L. MankiewiczThere is no such thing as realistic dialogue. If you [simply recorded] the real conversation of any people and played it back from the stage, it would be impossible to listen to. It would be redundant . . . . The good dialogue writer is the one who can give you the impression of real speech.
Joseph L. Mankiewicz