Great blessings await us at this time, and will soon be poured out upon us, if we are faithful in all things, for we are even entitled to greater spiritual blessings than they [the faithful at the time of Christ] were, because they had Christ in person with them, to instruct them in the great plan of salvation. His personal presence we have not, therefore we have need of greater faith.
Joseph Smith, Jr.Let no man break the laws of the land, for he that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land.
Joseph Smith, Jr.A question may be asked, 'Will mothers have their children in eternity?' Yes! Yes! Mothers, you shall have your children.
Joseph Smith, Jr.I prophesy in the name of the Lord God of Israel, unless the United States redress the wrongs committed upon the Saints in the state of Missouri and punish the crimes committed by her officers that in a few years the government will be utterly overthrown and wasted, and there will not be so much as a potsherd left . . .
Joseph Smith, Jr.