I’m not going to let go of you. I’m going to hold you all night. So go ahead and feel whatever you feel. If you’re still craving cocaine, go ahead. You’re safe. You can crave it all you want, but I won’t let go, and if you still feel like you can’t trust yourself in the morning, and it’s what you want, I’ll drive you to rehab myself. Okay?" ~ Max
Josh Lanyon...Jake, a homosexual cop buried so deep in the closet he didn't know where to look for himself.
Josh LanyonI thought I recognized you." Really? He remembered me looking like Swamp Thing? How flattering.
Josh LanyonTo find them all in one package...well, perhaps better not to dwell on his package in my fragile state.
Josh LanyonHe said you were on the scene when that Laurel Canyon homicide went down.” “I’m lucky that way,” I said. “So are you two square again?” I halted, mid-ripping open the cookies, and stared at him. “Well, he’s pretty square,” I said. “I’m just a rectangular guy.” With latent triangular tendencies.
Josh Lanyon