[The notion of separating church and state with such policies as disallowing prayer in public schools] is a deception from Satan.
Joyce MeyerIt`s important to have a relationship with God. He's the only one that can get down inside of you and heal what needs to be healed inside.
Joyce MeyerFocus on giving smiles away and you will always discover that your own smiles will always be in great supply!
Joyce MeyerPersonally I am always looking for God to show me where He would like me to give or make a difference in someone elseโs life. I wake up every day and ask God how He would like me to be a blessing to someone that day.
Joyce MeyerThe source of our stress isn't really difficulties, circumstances and situations-it's our attitude and approach toward them.
Joyce MeyerDon't allow yourself to be upset and disturbed. Hold your peace because without it you have no power.
Joyce MeyerThe simple power of prayer can save us all kinds of time and trouble if we will ask God to give us wisdom and discernment in our relationships.
Joyce MeyerYou can look at a person's attitude and know what kind of thinking is prevalent in his life... It's better to be positive and wrong than negative and right!
Joyce MeyerGod is Good...Jesus is Lord Be Good to Yourself and each Other J-Jesus..O-Others..Y-Yourself
Joyce MeyerYour word is your honor. If you say you're going to do something, then you need to do it.
Joyce MeyerIf you want to be free, just start doing what God wants you to do, one step at a time, and you'll eventually walk out of your messes.
Joyce MeyerI believe confidence is all about being positive concerning what you can do -- and not worrying over what you can't do. A confident person is open to learning, because she knows that her confidence allows her to walk through life's doorways, eager to discover what waits on the other side. She knows that every new unknown is a chance to learn more about herself and unleash her abilities.
Joyce MeyerYou can have Jesus in your spirit and an outrgeous mess in your soul, and if you don't know what that's called it's called religion. That's what it's called dead dry religion......Jesus said you are a bunch of white washed tombs full of dead men's bones, and I tell you if that didn't describe me I don't know what did, because on Sunday mornings I dressed it up and took it to church.
Joyce MeyerLord, what if I miss You? What if I miss You? What if I miss You? Oh, I'm so scared! God, what if I miss You? He answered simply, "Joyce, don't worry; if you miss Me, I will find you.
Joyce MeyerIf God is in fact separated from the government, then we can never possibly have a godly government. There's no way for America to be good if she's not godly.
Joyce MeyerGod doesn't always give us a blueprint for our lives, but he always gives us a next step.
Joyce MeyerI believe it's easy to serve God if we learn to hear from Him before we struggle to do things for Him that He never asked us to do.
Joyce MeyerStop focusing on what's wrong with everyone else and start focusing on how blessed you are.
Joyce MeyerChristianity is about the heart, and the Bible says that we cannot get to heaven on our own good works. No matter how good we are, we cannot be good enough, because God is perfect, and we're always going to be less than perfect.
Joyce MeyerDon't give up on the people you love. Your patient love and faithfulness may be exactly what they need to make a complete turnaround.
Joyce MeyerGod's grace will never be available to you to become another person. He created to be you - the best "you" you can be! Forget about trying to be someone else.
Joyce MeyerThe biggest black eye that you can give the devil is to give God your pain and let Him turn it into gain.
Joyce MeyerRefuse to let your love grow cold. Stir up love in your life - towards your spouse and towards your family, friends, neighbours, co-workers. Reach out to others who are hurting and in need. Pray for people and bless them. Grow to the point that one of your first thoughts each morning in your heart is about how you can bless someone else that day.
Joyce MeyerI believe a lot of people that are gay, had even had problems like I had in the past. I think they've been hurt by somebody from the opposite sex, and they don't know how to function right in those relationships.
Joyce MeyerEvery time you look in the mirror remember that God created you and that everything He creates is beautiful and good!
Joyce MeyerHaving a rough day? Place your hand over your heart. Feel that? It's called purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't give up
Joyce MeyerLife is sometimes very complicated, but we can purposely learn to enjoy the simple yet powerful and beautiful things God has created!
Joyce MeyerToday we are going to talk about words. You know, words are containers for power. They carry creative or destructive power. They carry positive or negative power. We can choose our words and we should do it carefully.
Joyce MeyerWe should be reminding ourselves that no matter how many problems may be facing us, the One Who is with us is greater than all those who oppose us.
Joyce MeyerI teach and believe that God wants his people to be blessed. If we give and we are a blessing to other people, that God promises in his word that he will take care of us. Actually, says he'll open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing so great that we can't contain it.
Joyce MeyerGod is bigger than every issue you will ever have to face, and you can do whatever you need to do through Christ who strengthens you.
Joyce MeyerBattles are fought in our minds every day. When we begin to feel the battle is just too difficult and want to give up, we must choose to resist negative thoughts and be determined to rise above our problems. We must decide that we're not going to quit. When we're bombarded with doubts and fears, we must take a stand and say: "I'll never give up! God's on my side. He loves me, and He's helping me! I'm going to make it!"
Joyce Meyer