It is amazing the quality of human beings that are in this world if we can just get past people not dressing the way we want them to dress.
Joyce MeyerPeople often ask me how I keep my priorities straight in life and I tell them that it is done by constantly straightening them out!
Joyce MeyerJust deciding to forgive isn't enough because willpower alone won't work - we need divine strength from God. As He gives us the strength, we need to pray for our enemies and bless them. Praying for those who have hurt us is vital to successfully forgiving them.
Joyce MeyerForgiveness is manifested mercy; it is live in action - not love based on a feeling, but love based on a decision, an intentional choice to obey God.
Joyce MeyerIf you look at your circumstances you will put off doing what God is telling you to do. It can seem like the worst time to do whatever God says to do. BUT there is an anointing on "now" if God has told you to act.
Joyce MeyerSometimes love is best expressed through service. Words are great, but when you walk in love, your commitment must be more than words.
Joyce MeyerGod gives us hopes and dreams for certain things to happen in our lives, but He doesn't always allow us to see the exact timing of His plan.
Joyce MeyerIf you're fighting moodiness and depression you don't want to hang around a bunch of other moody and depressed people.
Joyce MeyerSelf Pity is the most miserable party to go to, because, in case you haven't noticed, you're the only one who is there.
Joyce MeyerI had received Christ as my savior when I was a child, but I didn't know anything. I didn't have any knowledge. I didn't go to church. And I had a lot of problems, and I needed somebody to kind of help me along. And I think sometimes even people who want to serve God, if they have got so many problems that they don't think right and they don't act right and they don't behave right, they almost need somebody to take them by the hand and help lead them through the early years. And that's really what discipleship is. It's helping people.
Joyce MeyerLove is and has always been His idea. He came to love us and to teach us how to love. When we do this, life is exciting, beautiful and rewarding.
Joyce MeyerGod is the Source of real love, joy, peace, wisdom and everything else we all need to be the people He has created us to be.
Joyce MeyerI want to focus on God's grace and give thanks for all the good things in my life. I don't want to focus on what I don't have.
Joyce MeyerThe thing about secrets is they keep you in a prison. Once you share, WHOOSH, there is a release.
Joyce MeyerEncourage everyone you meet with a smile or compliment. Make them feel better when you leave their presence and they will always be glad to see you coming.
Joyce MeyerAnybody who comes together in a large group and they all believe the same thing, they're going to generate a certain amount of power. The Bible says one puts 1,000 in flight, and two 10,000, and so on and so forth. And so even if me and somebody else got into agreement about something, we would have more power than each of us by ourselves.
Joyce MeyerThereโs nothing more dangerous to the kingdom of darkness than a believer with the Word of God in their mouth.
Joyce MeyerSometime we get so addicted to murmuring about the past and blaming the past for everything that we miss our whole future. You're not going to enjoy your future, and you're not going to enjoy your right now, if all you can do is be guilty and ashamed and afraid of your past.
Joyce MeyerThe first step to forgiveness is the desire to do it, no matter how you feel toward the person who hurt you. Then you make the decision to do it which means it's a firm decision that won't change when your feelings change. The next step is to depend on the Holy Spirit to help you do what you've decided to do.
Joyce MeyerIf we know God is for us, then it shouldn't matter how we feel, or what other people think of us.
Joyce MeyerI got kicked out of my church and lost all of my friends, but I realized that I had to obey God and not man.
Joyce MeyerThere are times when God leaves huge question marks as tools in our lives to stretch our our faith.
Joyce MeyerForgive the person who badly hurt you long ago and also the stranger who stepped on your toe in the grocery store.
Joyce MeyerIf you will make time with God your first priority, everything else in your life will fall into place.
Joyce MeyerThe term revolution means: a sudden, radical, and complete change from the way things are normally done. I love that definition because I really feel that in order for us to start walking in the kind of love that Christ commanded us to - the "love your neighbor as yourself" kind - it's going to take a radical change in our current behavior. The church has become passive and selfish and it's going to take a revolution to get us back to the place where we are not just talking the talk, but walking in a love that shows the world Christ's love.
Joyce Meyer