The best athletes in any sport take stretching very seriously before and after matches. Stretching is instrumental in any athlete's physical success.
Jozy AltidoreSometimes something as simple as going for a 20-minute jog on any given day is important. Keeps your body moving and legs from getting stiffened up from doing high-intensity workouts during the week.
Jozy AltidoreGet in some pasta or brown rice with your vegetables like a sweet potato and some meat. You need a little bit of everything on your plate to make sure your energy levels are right for the match.
Jozy AltidoreIn all honesty, as you grow older, you understand how important it is to give everything in every workout, training session and match. When you're younger, you think game and practice are different. The sooner you understand they aren't, the better.
Jozy Altidore