When some people rejoin with “All Lives Matter” they misunderstand the problem, but not because their message is untrue. It is true that all lives matter, but it is equally true that not all lives are understood to matter which is precisely why it is most important to name the lives that have not mattered, and are struggling to matter in the way they deserve.
Judith ButlerThe state or global forms of power that seek to protect populations considered in danger may well extend their own power through those acts of protection.
Judith ButlerWe have to ask how we can stretch and how sometimes we can break the norms that determine what's intelligible and readable and what is not.
Judith ButlerIt is clear that whatever language of democracy Obama and his administration use is very tactically deployed, and has as its main aim the extension of US power and interests.
Judith ButlerIntersectionality has made an important contribution to social and political analysis, asking all of us to think about what assumptions of race and class we make when we speak about "women" or what assumptions of gender and race we make when we speak about "class." It allows us to unpack those categories and see the various kinds of social formations and power relations that constitute those categories.
Judith Butler