Dance releases energy mobilized by the fight-or-flight stress response that was otherwise restrained.
Judith Lynne HannaIt is the persistence of dance in helping people to resist, reduce, and escape stress since early humanity that attests to its efficacy.
Judith Lynne HannaIn the interweave of mind and body, dance is a mode that allows people to work through difficulties, anticipate the future, recollect the past, and confront the present.
Judith Lynne HannaAmong its many uses, dance/movement therapy aims to help people overcome trauma, often by nonverbally bringing the elements of the experience to the fore.
Judith Lynne HannaDanced healing rituals (in African village compounds, temple courtyards, dance-therapy studios, public theaters, and other social settings) reinvoke old traumas for exorcism and the transformation of fear, convince people that evil is gone or possible to dissipate, and reaffirm communal solidarity and a sense of well-being.
Judith Lynne Hanna