Too much trouble,' 'Too expensive,' or 'Who will know the difference' are death knells for good food. ... Cooking is not a particularly difficult art, and the more you cook and learn about cooking, the more sense it makes.
Julia ChildPeople liked to eat veal until they saw pictures of these darling little animals with brown eyes. Veal calves been raised the same way for centuries.
Julia ChildI think careful cooking is love, don't you? The loveliest thing you can cook for someone who's close to you is about as nice a valentine as you can give.
Julia ChildI admired the English immensely for all that they had endured, and they were certainly honorable, and stopped their cars for pedestrians, and called you โsirโ and โmadam,โ and so on. But after a week there, I began to feel wild. It was those ruddy English faces, so held in by duty, the sense of โwhat is doneโ and โwhat is not done,โ and always swigging tea and chirping, that made me want to scream like a hyena
Julia Child