I think women get caught up too much in having a plan - 'I'm going to get married at this age I'm going to have a kid at this age' - and then they just try to find a guy who will fit into that picture. I don't want my life to be based on that.
Julia StilesWe can become very short-sighted in terms of objectives. The first thing to go during times of economic crisis and budget cuts is funding for things that are essential and not-quantifiable, like the arts. Save Big Bird
Julia StilesI think audiences, producers and directors included, develop crushes on actors (actresses in particular) and then lose interest and move on to the next one.
Julia StilesI like a director who is very observant and is watching what I'm doing and noticing what I'm doing, but is giving me time to figure it out. They don't jump right in and give you a note before you've had time to really search on your own with how to do a scene.
Julia StilesI feel like I have a skill set, but every experience is different and there's always room for improvement.
Julia StilesActors can write and produce too. Then when I was working on Jason Bourneยญ - having had that experience - instead of going back to my trailer and being separate from everyone else, I would sit behind the monitor and watch Paul Greengrass work and be much more included in the process. That was new for me and really enriching.
Julia Stiles