Love is indeed at root the product of the firings of neurons and release of hormones.
Julian BagginiSeek first what is true and of value, and then whatever happiness follows will be of the appropriate quantity and, more importantly, quality.
Julian BagginiThe capacity to make free choices is not something we either have entirely or not at all. Rather, choices become freer the more they are the result of our own capacity to reflect on and assess facts and arguments.
Julian BagginiIf I'm a CEO and I say, 'Misogyny will not be tolerated', that's a more powerful statement than 'It is my sincere hope and our intention to eradicate misogyny from this company'. Sometimes saying things in that more categorical form, has a real function. Although, if you dig beneath it, it is actually one of J.L. Austin's illocutionary acts; you're trying to make something happen rather than describing something already happened. The fact that it has the grammatical form of a description is fine.
Julian Baggini