To speculate without facts is to attempt to enter a house of which one has not the key, by wandering aimlessly round and round, searching the walls and now and then peeping through the windows. Facts are the key.
Julian is curiosity, initiative, originality, and the ruthless application of honesty that count in research- much more than feats of logic and memory alone.
Julian HuxleyAmoeba has her picture in the book, Proud Protozoon!-Yet beware of pride, All she can do is fatten and divide; She cannot even read, or sew, or cook... The Worm can crawl But has no eyes to look. The Jelly-fish can swim But lacks a bride.
Julian HuxleyQuantity of material production can only be a means to a further end, not an end in itself.
Julian HuxleyWe are beginning to realize that even the most fortunate people are living far below capacity, and that most human beings develop not more than a small fraction of their potential mental and spiritual efficiency. The human race, in fact, is surrounded by a large area of unrealized possibilities, a challenge to the spirit of exploration.
Julian Huxley