There was a moment, late into the season, where I was noticing I was darkening a little bit at night. I was like, 'It will be nice when the show is over for the season. I need a vacation.'
Justin TherouxYou try to break it down to weeks at a time otherwise you sort of make yourself crazy spinning out going from just can't get your head around one of them fully. So I'm more task oriented. I like to sort of like focus on one thing for a couple of weeks...and also they're all in different stages of development.
Justin TherouxThere's a logic to dreams that doesn't necessarily follow linear narrative. You don't know why things happen, it's your subconscious pushing you, to give you information.
Justin TherouxI love New York. It's kind of perfect. I'm in New York part of the time and in L.A. part of the time. That's always been a goal, to be bicoastal in a real way.
Justin Theroux