I feel more comfortable writing firmly comedic or slightly comedic stuff.
In New York, you can bump into someone on the street and go to a thing, go get coffee real quick.
I've never been the guy who's like, 'I take it home with me.'
If I was roped into a seven-year TV contract I'd probably hang myself.
There was a time when doing "Zoolander 2" that I was literally flying between the "Zoolander" shoot and "The Leftovers" in Texas and at that point, I was getting comedy whiplash. It was a relief, though, to get to Rome and be like, "Oh my God, I get to laugh on set."
There was a moment, late into the season, where I was noticing I was darkening a little bit at night. I was like, 'It will be nice when the show is over for the season. I need a vacation.'