The more fodder, the more flesh; the more flesh, the more manure; the more manure, the more grain.
Justus von LiebigThe person who observes a clock, sees in it not only the pendulum swinging to and fro, and the dial-plate, and the hands moving, for a child can see all this; but he sees also the parts of the clock, and in what connexion the suspended weight stands to the wheel-work, and the pendulum to the moving hands.
Justus von LiebigThe loveliest theories are being overthrown by these damned experiments; it's no fun being a chemist anymore.
Justus von LiebigChocolate is a perfect food, as wholesome as it is delicious, a beneficent restorer of exhausted is the best friend of those engaged in literary pursuits.
Justus von LiebigA fact acquires its true and full value only through the idea which is developed from it.
Justus von LiebigI will now direct the attention of scientists to a previously unnoticed cause which brings about the metamorphosis and decomposition phenomena which are usually called decay, putrefaction, rotting, fermentation and moldering. This cause is the ability possessed by a body engaged in decomposition or combination, i.e. in chemical action, to give rise in a body in contact with it the same ability to undergo the same change which it experiences itself.
Justus von Liebig