Someone once said that you can make the choice between getting old and getting creepy, and I think getting old is the way to go.
Kate BeckinsaleI think that's why I gravitated toward slightly broader... ummm, more conceptual kinds of movies, Underworld and Van Helsing. That was as much as I could actually give. But you're actually more of an animated figure. It does go against the grain, as an actor.
Kate BeckinsaleI was a very difficult child, and the time I spent reading was about the only peace I gave my mother.
Kate BeckinsaleKeeping your ex close took three people who were willing to be incredibly generous, grown-up and mature. I give enormous credit to Michael and Len for the way they've handled things. As a result, I have an amazing child with three great parents. I feel slightly sorry for kids who've got only two!
Kate Beckinsale