From December to March, there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind's eye.
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteConsider the many special delights a lawn affords: soft mattress for a creeping baby; worm hatchery for a robin; croquet or badminton court; baseball diamond; restful green perspectives leading the eye to a background of flower beds, shrubs, or hedge; green shadows - "This lawn, a carpet all alive/With shadows flung from leaves' - as changing and as spellbinding as the waves of the sea, whether flecked with sunlight under trees of light foliage, like elm and locust, or deep, dark, solid shade, moving slowly as the tide, under maple and oak. This carpet!
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteAs I write, snow is falling outside my Maine window, and indoors all around me half a hundred garden catalogues are in bloom.
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteFragrance, whether strong or delicate, is a highly subjective matter, and one gardener's perfume is another gardener's stink.
Katharine Sergeant Angell White