With a few exceptions, the critics of children's books are remarkably lenient souls.... Most of us assume there is something goodin every child; the critics go from this to assume there is something good in every book written for a child. It is not a sound theory.
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteFrom December to March, there are for many of us three gardens - the garden outdoors, the garden of pots and bowls in the house, and the garden of the mind's eye.
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteThere are too many coy books full of talking animals, whimsical children, and condescending adults. (Some of the most famous animals in the world have talked, but they talked real talk and they weren't called silly names like Doody and Mooloo. They were called names like The Cheshire Cat and they asked sensible questions like "Did you say pig, or fig?")
Katharine Sergeant Angell WhiteAs I write, snow is falling outside my Maine window, and indoors all around me half a hundred garden catalogues are in bloom.
Katharine Sergeant Angell White