Growing up, I always had my dreams set on being an actor, so I looked up to Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn. I also look up to Kate Winslet and Renรฉe [Zellweger] and Cate Blanchett...and Diane Keaton - she's a genius. I think it's very inspiring to see these women attack such complex roles.
Katie HolmesI remember when we were doing "Batman Begins" and to watch Chris Nolan go from "Memento" to "Batman" and take that leap from such a smaller size to a big movie, that's inspiring. But those movies are their own type of art and you have to really understand it and really know that world and I would have to take a long time to figure that out.Because my brain doesn't naturally go there.
Katie HolmesI find that usually when I watch something like horror film, I'm constantly thinking no, it's not going to happen.
Katie HolmesYou go in thinking you have to do this all by yourself, and what I learned was no, when you hire great people, they do so much for you.
Katie HolmesMy norm for watching scary movies, what I love about it, is when they work and they scare me, which is not that often I'm afraid. The more you know the genre, your taste becomes a little more rarefied and you take a very particular route to the type of movies you like in the genre. But I still get scared.
Katie Holmes