Any suggestion that science and religion are incompatible flies in the face of history, logic, and common sense.
Kenneth R. MillerOnce upon a time, growing up male gave little boys a sense of certainty about the natural order of things. We had short hair, wore pants, and played baseball. Girls had long hair, wore skirts, and, no matter how hard they tried, always threw a baseball just like a girl.
Kenneth R. MillerFor much of history it was possible to believe that the great diversity of life on Earth was a fixed creation, that the living world had never changed. But when the first stirrings of industry demanded that fuel be dug from the earth and hillsides be leveled for roads and railways, the Earths true past was dug up in abundance.
Kenneth R. MillerWe believe the ice sheet was not around all the time. It was only around during cool snaps of the climate
Kenneth R. Miller