I did something rather innovative that my competitors didn't like: I took out a full-page advertisement in the Yellow Pages that listed an office on the east side of Cincinnati, and another office on the west side, while every other heating/air-conditioning company had only one location and one phone number. I was the citywide company. In fact, our 'westside office' was just an answering service taking telephone message. From the start we appeared to be a big company.
Kevin HarringtonBeing born into poverty does not mean you are condemned to spend the rest of your life in poverty.
Kevin HarringtonYou only stay in front by coming up with ideas your new competitors haven't thought of yet.
Kevin HarringtonWhen I was starting out, being a young entrepreneur was not fashionable. Parents would ask, 'When are you going to get a real job?'
Kevin HarringtonI did something rather innovative that my competitors didn't like: I took out a full-page advertisement in the Yellow Pages that listed an office on the east side of Cincinnati, and another office on the west side, while every other heating/air-conditioning company had only one location and one phone number. I was the citywide company. In fact, our 'westside office' was just an answering service taking telephone message. From the start we appeared to be a big company.
Kevin Harrington