Most people just give up with time and go, "I'm a victim." The only reason I've got the reputation for delays and spending a long time on things is because I just don't stop.
Kevin ShieldsWhen I was a teenager, I learned that in order to play guitar like Johnny Ramone, it takes a huge amount of physical effort.
Kevin ShieldsI had the time to take the original analog tapes and fix all the things I didn't like, so all I left was essentially the benefits of the analog with none of the disadvantages.
Kevin ShieldsAs I get older, I realize a lot of the things I could have done - things that I didn't think were so great at the time - actually would have been enjoyable.
Kevin ShieldsI wasn't making music for the sake of music but rather making music in the context of other music. At the same time, it doesn't mean I'm not going to try and do that some day.
Kevin ShieldsDigital might capture the dynamics of what I heard before it went to tape a bit more accurately, but on the other hand, when we'd switch from listening to the digital version to the analog, the change was so profound - the music would suddenly go three-dimensional, and it felt much more engaging.
Kevin Shields