He smiled at my reaction, the stupid smile of his that was like he knew something you didn’t. And he knew something I didn’t pretty much all the time, so it was pretty much every smile on his face.
Kiersten WhiteBe careful. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to the worst Spanish student in the history of the language.” I laughed. “No problemo.
Kiersten WhiteFaeries are unaffected by alcohol, but much to her surprise—and the faeries’ undoing—they get very, very drunk on carbonation. Using copious amounts of Coke, she was able to discover a single faerie’s true name.
Kiersten WhiteLend sat up,craning his neck to see down my shirt,which I hurriedly pushed back into place. Last time I checked, you couldn't see souls.He shrugged,an exaggerated look of innocence on his face. Still,it wouldn't hurt for me to try,would it?You have got to be the most sefless boyfriend alive.Like I said,anything worthwhile is worth making sacrifices for.Speaking of which,weren't you going to give me a tongue demonstration?
Kiersten White