Though Lexington is not a small town, it sometimes feels like one, with circles of acquaintance overlapping once, then again; the person you meet by chance at the library or the pool may turn out to be the best friend of your down-the-street neighbor. Maybe thats why people are so friendly here, so willing to be unhurried.
Kim EdwardsIt seemed there was no end at all to the lies a person could tell, once she got started.
Kim EdwardsHe could hardly imagine anymore what his life would be without the weight of his hidden knowledge. He'd come to think of it as a kind of penance. It was self-destructive, he could see that, but that was the way things were. People smoked, they jumped out of airplanes, they drank too much and got into their cars and drove without seat belts.
Kim Edwards...and the distance between them, millimeters only, the space of a breath, opened up and deepened, became a cavern at whose edge he stood.
Kim EdwardsHe'd kept this silence because his own secrets were darker, more hidden, and because he believed that his secrets had created hers.
Kim Edwards