Look at the facts, look at the circumstances if you choose to have an open mind and understand and care deeply about the safety of children in this country in schools.Schools are a weak spot. Bad guys know that they are gun-free zones, because they prey on it. So why can't we be honest about what's going on and do something to help save kids, whether it's having teachers that are trained and carry weapons, dogs in the classrooms, like canines for cops?I think it's very good.
Kimberly GuilfoyleThe New York Times ,the New York Times is actually telling the Clinton, both of them that they need to come clean on all the money where it came frะพm.
Kimberly GuilfoyleYou see the kind of approach, because he [Doanld Trump] is a businessman. He's like, I'm going to pick up the phone, I'm gonna call that CEO and we're going to talk about this directly, instead of getting mired in a lot of the way down, you know, bureaucracy and red tape and having 25 assistants or deputies talk to somebody instead of going directly to the root of the problem.
Kimberly Guilfoyle[Donald] Trump has said that I would like to sit down and talk to people, work things out. Well, guess what? Some of the evidence is that was, he went straight to Mexico and sat down and had a conference and a meeting directly with Pea Nieto to go over all this. OK, that.
Kimberly GuilfoyleNo go sections of the city and they work on law and the police don't go in there. That is not helping anything [in immigrants' assimilation]. That creates a situation like France, unfortunately.
Kimberly GuilfoyleMatt Lauer asked her [Hillary Clinton] tough questions, in fact, questions that should have been asked and followed up on by the FBI in their investigation where they came to a rosy conclusion. So to me, this was actually very helpful. And I think obviously it was big moment there, right out of the bat when we had the naval officer who really put it to Hillary and said listen .
Kimberly Guilfoyle