Look at the facts, look at the circumstances if you choose to have an open mind and understand and care deeply about the safety of children in this country in schools.Schools are a weak spot. Bad guys know that they are gun-free zones, because they prey on it. So why can't we be honest about what's going on and do something to help save kids, whether it's having teachers that are trained and carry weapons, dogs in the classrooms, like canines for cops?I think it's very good.
Kimberly GuilfoyleYou listen to the intelligence community, they say, listen, maybe it's ISIS today, it's somebody else tomorrow. We'll deal with the caliphate, but it's going to take years to be able to handle this.
Kimberly GuilfoyleGuns don't walk into a theater by themselves and shoot people. You have to look at who's behind it, who's behind the trigger?
Kimberly GuilfoyleThere are plenty of people in the in the military and high ranking generals that do not feel that they have been optimized or listened to .
Kimberly GuilfoyleThe problem is, is the White House and this administration have created a war against police officers in this country, with their allegations and false assertions that there's widespread and pervasive racism in the United States of America that lives in the heart and minds of the men and women in blue. This is a false narrative. It is dangerous. It is reckless. It has resulted in the loss of lives. They are not being held accountable.
Kimberly Guilfoyle