I'll tell you what, [Hillary Clinton] is not making America safer by her actions and because as it relates to Benghazi, as it relates the e-mail scandal, as to the number of lies and obfuscation that she has engaged in throughout the course of this investigation and lack of transparency. And specifically, she's making America weaker by telegraphing and telling our enemies that we won't even put troops or boots over there. You don't know what's going to happen down the road
Kimberly GuilfoyleObviously, there are political operatives that are playing a role. It doesn't mean it shouldn't be denounced. All candidates should say, we want to have - be able to have nonviolent, peaceful speaking events. Do not hurt people, do not hit. Do not break the law, no one is encouraging violence. That's what should be stated very clearly. Denounce any violence that occurs. Be honest to say exactly also, what is behind this. They are trying to elicit and produce a specific response to try to discredit and to paint Donald Trump in a particular light. That is - that's what's happening.
Kimberly GuilfoyleThe stronger the facts are there, you should achieve justice. You don't need to make sensationalized statements.
Kimberly Guilfoyle