In order to do a good job a person must like what he or she is doing....'Love thy work', and you will be successful..... If you do things just because you have to, then you will never enjoy work. Nor will you do a good job if you do it simply out of a sense of duty. stress is often a by-product of such passive or negative attitudes toward work. Paradoxically as it may sound, love of work can be the best medicine for workaholism.
Konosuke MatsushitaA natural response to a natural phenomenon -that is the secret of success in business and management. You will always win if you rely on common sense.
Konosuke MatsushitaRecognizing our responsibilities as industrialists, we will devote ourselves to the progress and development of society and the well-being of people through our business activities, thereby enhancing the quality of life throughout the world.
Konosuke MatsushitaIt is a kind of law of nature. The goal one aims for can rarely be reached by a direct road.
Konosuke Matsushita