Do whatever you must, Karigan," he told her, his voice so quiet it would not carry, "to come back. You must come back. To me." ~King Zachary
Kristen BritainNot all is certainty in our world, Karigan. If it were there'd be no opportunity for faith; and then it would be a very dull existence.
Kristen BritainOften, just as when they were children, it was four against one when some argument came up. At least they no longer sat on him to force him to submit to their wishes.
Kristen BritainIdentify you as other Riders." The words were gasped as if he were forcing air in and out of his lungs by sheer will to extend his life. "Fly...Rider, with great speed. Don't read m-message. Then they can't from you. If captured, shred it and toss it to the winds." Then, because his voice had grown so faint, she had to lean very close to hear his final words. "Beware the shadow man." A cold tremor ran through Karigan's body. "I'll do my best," she told him.
Kristen Britain