I went to do Eclipse right after The Runaways, and I think the director of that movie might have said to another cast member that he had to beat the Joan Jett out of me.
Kristen StewartI was so sensitive and touchy in a way that my character would never be. I was so protective and defensive of young girls, and sex in general.
Kristen StewartWomen have a faith in themselves that is unpragmatic and in each other that's just emotional and f - ing strong. Both of those characters are criticized for being weak, for being subject to a man, but I think that that's a really bold and natural thing that we all want.
Kristen StewartThere are days when I definitely look in the mirror and go, "All right, I need to find a cream." I can't foresee myself ever going under the knife, but then again, I'm only in my mid-thirties. Maybe it's different when you're in your mid-sixties.
Kristen Stewart