Some days you go bear hunting and you get eaten. Some days you come home with a nice rug to roll around on, and bear steaks. What they don't tell you as a kid is that sometimes you get the rug and steaks, but you also get some nice scars to go with them. As a child you don't understand that you can win, but that's it's not always worth the price. Once you understand and accept that possibility you become a real grown up, and the world becomes a much more serious place. Not less fun, but once you realize what can go wrong, it's a lot scarier to go hunting "bears".
Laurell K. HamiltonJesus, are all vampires over two hundred perverts?" "I am over two hundred," Jean-Claude said. "I rest my case.
Laurell K. HamiltonOui , but if all the men in your life are happy, you are happier, and it makes my life easier." - Jean-Claude
Laurell K. HamiltonIf it works out, it's the best thing in the world. If it doesn't work out, it's like having your heart torn out and chopped up into little pieces while you watch. It leaves a big hollow space that never really heals.
Laurell K. Hamilton