I like the idea of a record being more than one thing emotionally - human beings go through so many emotions in one day, and I like those things sitting next to each other.
Lauren MayberryI think in reading a few sentences of text you can just tell the tone, and that's something I love in prose writers.
Lauren MayberryA good song to one person could just be something mediocre to somebody else. It's always strange thinking about how songs connect with people.
Lauren MayberryI think I have a vested interest in thinking that the lyrics are important, but I think for us it's important that we all write things that mean something to us, and I think we're not really in the business of writing la-la-love-you chart pop songs. It needs to have a personal pulling in the gut for me, to want to write anything about it.
Lauren MayberryEveryone's [ me, Iain Cook and Martin Doherty] equally involved in all the writing. Normally we'll start with a sample or a drumbeat, or a synth sound or something like that, and that will spark the initial idea. And then we'll write an instrumental sketch of a song, and then we put on a nonsense vocal melody, which is always my favourite bit because it obviously sounds amazing.
Lauren Mayberry