It was as though the darkness was a sheet of raw cookie dough and someone had just taken a cookie cutter and made a child-sized shape out of it.
Lauren OliverBut that's the problem with love - it acts on you, works through you, resists your attempts to control.
Lauren OliverRaven jerks and stiffens. For a second, I think she is only surprised: Her mouth goes round, her eyes wide. Then she begins teetering backward, and I know that she is dead. Falling, falling, falling . . .
Lauren OliverBut it does not tell you this: that love will turn the whole world into something greater than itself.
Lauren OliverFor the first time in my life I actually feel sorry for Carol. I'm only seventeen years old, and I already know something she doesn't know: I know that life isn't life if you just float through it. I know that the whole point- the only point- is to find things that matter, and hold on to them, and fight for them, and refuse to let them go.
Lauren Oliver