As monarchs have a right to call in the specie of a state, and raise its value, by their own impression; so are there certain prerogative geniuses, who are above plagiaries, who cannot be said to steal, but, from their improvement of a thought, rather to borrow it, and repay the commonwealth of letters with interest again; and may wore properly be said to adopt, than to kidnap a sentiment, by leaving it heir to their own fame.
Laurence SterneEvery thing in this world, said my father, is big with jest,--and has wit in it, and instruction too,--if we can but find it out.
Laurence SterneI am positive I have a soul; nor can all the books with which materialists have pestered the world ever convince me to the contrary.
Laurence SterneHail! the small courtesies of life, for smooth do ye make the road of it, like grace and beauty, which beget inclinations to love at first sight; it is ye who open the door and let the stranger in.
Laurence Sterne