I think as Christians, we all have the same calling, and that calling is to love God with all our heart, mind, and soul and love others as ourselves and to glorify God in everything that we do.
LeCraeBelieve the best about people. Pray for their short comings. You are not the standard. We all need grace.
LeCraeI was very introverted growing up and I had small circle of friends. Any opportunity I got to rap or articulate things through rhyme or hip hop was great for me.
LeCraeDon't put your confidence in big names When they die and return to the dirt they can't do anything for you.
LeCraeWhen I moved into one of the worst inner-cities in America to do missionary work I had to do risk assessment, and It was a risk. My family could have been in danger, house could get robbed at any minute but I count it all as nothing compared to knowing Jesus it was all worth it at the end of the day.