Prayer doesn't bend God's arm but it's guaranteed to bend our hearts toward His will. Worry less. Pray more.
LeCraeIt's depressing a little when you don't see outside the tour bus and underground in a stadium. If you go outside near the venue there are lots of fans everywhere so you can't just have a minute to enjoy the sunshine alone and think.
LeCraeI study the bible regularly, meet with older wiser mentors weekly, and keep a group of guys in my life who challenge me spiritually. That keeps me moving.
LeCraeI don't think the music industry has done any damage to my faith - it's probably strengthened it because it's made me see how necessary and relevant it is. I think if you don't keep your guard up, obviously there's a lot of potential for being half-hearted throughout the whole process because you can compare yourself to other people instead of the ultimate standard.