I've always been a missionary and what people don't know is that I've always taken some strategic and eyebrow-raising steps.
LeCraeBelieve the best about people. Pray for their short comings. You are not the standard. We all need grace.
LeCraeWhen you care about the culture, you can stop, pause, and say, "Okay, where do I stand in the midst of this all?"
LeCraeThe Bible says, "Take heed, lest you fall," but this has really been the story of my life. I've traveled into other realms in order to be a light and be a missionary. Some of them were very dangerous, and I don't look at this as any different.
LeCraeIf we continue to stay focused on our mission and not get sidetracked with everything else we stand a chance at really changing this world.
LeCraeIf you just want a comfortable life, the awards, and pats on the back then you play Christian Hip Hop safe. Because playing it safe will give you consistency, but if you're really in this to see peoples lives transform then you're gonna have to do some risk assessment - it is costly to rally try to impact people.