I've always done music to push people to get them to get uncomfortable in their seat so they could wrestle with things. Not to become pew potatoes, just simply sitting there, growing fat with knowledge and not applying it. It's a mixed tape that's really aimed and geared toward hip hop culture.
LeCraeEverybody can relate to being an outsider, having to deal with that, and having to wrestle with how people view them.
LeCraeFor me, I want to change the way people see the world. That's why I do what I do...with every email, text message, and every phone call that I get with people saying "Man what you've done God has used it to change me" that's when I see success.
LeCraeThere would be some times where people wouldn't know how to act around me. Does he drink? Can I cuss? What can I do? And then there was other circumstances where it was, I just don't respect what you're trying to do.
LeCraePrayer isn't where we change God, but He changes us. Instead of praying for OUR desires, let's pray He burden us with HIS.