Most writers want to share their essay or book much too quickly. Those who accept the pain of hard work and revising are those who get published.
Lee GutkindThe problem with reality TV is that creative writers are not involved; TV folks are, and some journalists who will only mine the surface of subjects. Hard work necessary for discovering and delineating the intimacies of the subjects they capture is mostly avoided.
Lee GutkindCreative nonfiction writers do not make things up; they make ideas and information that already exist more interesting and often more accessible.
Lee GutkindStorytelling, a primitive art, is as old as the beginning of mankind. People want to receive what's out there in the form of stories, not just facts, opinion, analysis.
Lee GutkindAnd there are two types of stories. One type is one's own story. The other type is telling the stories of others. Thanks to this genre, writers of nonfiction can now use the tools of the reporter, the points of view and ear for dialog of a novelist, and the passion and wordplay of the poet.
Lee Gutkind