...capitalism does live by crises and booms, just as a human being lives by inhaling and exhaling.
Leon TrotskyAs long as I breathe I hope. As long as I breathe I shall fight for the future, that radiant future, in which man, strong and beautiful, will become master of the drifting stream of his history and will direct it towards the boundless horizons of beauty, joy and happiness!
Leon TrotskyNo one revolution up to now has brought all that was expected of it by the masses. Hence the inevitability of a certain disillusionment, of a lowering of the activity of the vanguard, and consequently, of the growing importance of the rearguard. [Joseph] Stalin's faction has raised itself on the wave of reaction against the October revolution.
Leon TrotskyThat the existence of the Soviet Union has an international revolutionary significance is a commonplace equally recognized by friends and foes.
Leon Trotsky