To the extent that the scientist's capacity for pursuing the truth depends upon costly apparatus, institutional collaboration and heavy capital investment by government or industry he is no longer his own master.
Lewis MumfordThe convenience of timekeeping is greatly overrated; and the people who practice it so faithfully that they lose the capacity for appreciating the fixed and the static and the spatially related experiences cut themselves off from a good part of reality.
Lewis MumfordMisery, mutilation, destruction, terror, starvation and death characterize the process of war and form a principal part of the product.
Lewis MumfordEvery work of art is an abstraction from time; it denies the reality of change and decay and death.
Lewis MumfordStieglitz conceived, though he never carried out, a series of photographs of the heads of stallions and mares, of bulls and cows, in the act of mating, hoping to catch in the brute an essential quality that would symbolize the probably unattainable photograph of a passionate human mating.
Lewis Mumford