Even if you're starting from scratch and buying a new wardrobe, preppy clothes are very fairly priced compared to high fashion. They're very easy to absorb into your wardrobe. You probably already have stuff you can wear and there's a safety factor. You're dressed for success, in a way, if you look like you grew up with success.
Lisa BirnbachDartmouth Winter Carnival opens, proving once again that bitter cold is no obstacle to going completely out of control.
Lisa BirnbachAlways underdress. The goal is not to look as if you made an effort for the particular event. If you can dress for a different party (i.e., wear black tie to a cocktail party, or tennis clothes for lunch), so much the better. You give the impression of being much in demand.
Lisa BirnbachCynicism is more than a pose; it's also a handy time saver. By deflating your companion's enthusiasm, you can cut conversations in half.
Lisa BirnbachThe University of Miami is not a campus with visible school spirit, just visible tan lines.
Lisa Birnbach