The quickest and easiest way to improve your health and mood is by taking omega 3 supplements, in the form of fish oils or flaxseed. Add a good general multivitamin and mineral daily as well, as this will ensure that any trace deficiencies causing health or mood problems are addressed.
Liz MillerBeautiful and familiar objects can help us to feel better. Photos of family and friends, which remind us of the people we love and who love us, are important mood-lifters. Items that inspire us or encourage periods of reflection do the same.
Liz MillerAlmost all negative moods are missing one key element - calm. By learning calm, you learn to deal with difficult areas. Calm allows us to achieve what we want, without being overwhelmed by anxiety.
Liz MillerAs you focus on calming your breathing, your anxiety will quickly reduce and you will start to think clearly again. This is especially important if you feel a panic attack coming on.
Liz Miller