I want to be the person whose art is accessible, who someone could look at and say "That's doesn't look so hard, I could do that."
Liz PrinceI don't know what the comics community could do to make everyone feel welcome; I'm cynical and unsure if everyone can feel welcome, simply because so many people have conflicting ideas of what is welcoming, but I think that calling out creators and comic industry people who have harassed people and/or been abusive is a good first step. If we create a culture where those kinds of actions can no-longer go unchecked, then more people may feel welcome to participate and know that they will be heard if they experience unfairness.
Liz PrinceI like the Internet as place to get instant gratification: posting a comic online is the quickest way to get attention for your art, but I have been talking to a lot of younger, aspiring cartoonists who very quickly get discouraged if they aren't getting a lot of attention immediately. This can also be aggravated by artists who appear to be really quickly Tumblr-famous, and get lots of notes on their work.
Liz Prince