Those who talk on the razor-edge of double-meanings pluck the rarest blooms from the precipice on either side.
Logan Pearsall SmithIt is the dread of something happening, something unknown and dreadful, that makes us do anything to keep the flicker of talk from dying out.
Logan Pearsall SmithWhat joy can the years bring half so sweet as the unhappiness they've taken away?
Logan Pearsall SmithWhen elderly invalids meet with fellow-victims of their own ailments, then at last real conversation begins, and life is delicious.
Logan Pearsall SmithThe truth is that the phenomena of artistic production are still so obscure, so baffling, we are still so far from an accurate scientific and psychological knowledge of their genesis or meaning, that we are forced to accept them as empirical facts; and empirical and non-explanatory names are the names that suit them best.
Logan Pearsall Smith