It is by vivacity and wit that man shines in company; but trite jokes and loud laughter reduce him to a buffoon.
Lord ChesterfieldPersist and persevere, and you will find most things that are attainable, possible.
Lord ChesterfieldMerit and knowledge will not gain hearts, though they will secure them when gained.
Lord ChesterfieldNo man tastes pleasures truly, who does not earn them by previous business; and few people do business well, who do nothing else.
Lord ChesterfieldDancing is, in itself, a very trifling and silly thing: but it is one of those established follies to which people of sense are sometimes obliged to conform; and then they should be able to do it well. And though I would not have you a dancer, yet, when you do dance, I would have you dance well, as I would have you do everything you do well.
Lord Chesterfield